Friday, August 7, 2009

Edmark--Part II

Well, it's time to finish that post about avoiding the dreaded Edmark Coma. These resources are a bit more tech-y or take more time to prepare. These resources pertain to Edmark Level 1, despite the fact that the title is Edmark--Part II. ;)

BoardMaker + Edmark=Fabulousness!
There are lots of options for using Edmark and Boardmaker. Let's start with the Print Options.
  • Matching word and picture:
    Some options beyond paper and pencil: laminate the paper and use Wikisticks or Play Doh to match the word and picture, use overhead/erasable markers or crayons to match the word and picture, or even using water colors. Another great way to get more bang from your buck is to draw lines the first time and then have them cut the words and glue them next to the picture the second time!

  • Writing the word next to a picture:
    This is another fairly simple BM worksheet to make. Instead of making a second box with a word, use the line tool and draw a straight line for the word to be written on. Depending on your child's spelling abilities you might need to provide some supports in the form of a picture dictionary, a list of words known, using their Edmark cards, or an adult. For your students with fine motor difficulties who can't use pencils or for those who don't want to use pencils, consider using these alternatives: markers, magnetic letters, Lakeshore Learning's Lace-A-Word Beads, or letter stamps.
  • File Folder Games:
    You can use BM to make your own file folder games for you students. (This is an idea I got from another teacher as well.) You can customize them to your students needs but here is the basic idea. Start by creating a worksheet for your students to use. For our purposes, let's use match the word to the picture from the above post. Print out the worksheet and glue down the pictures only. Then you can laminate the folder and the remaining boxes with words. (Use the soft bendable lamination, not the hard kind ;). Now you are going to put down velcro. I try to use the "soft stays" rule (the soft side goes on the item that will do the holding and the rough side goes on the picture or item to be placed) for this. Put a small square of soft velcro next to each picture for the words to be placed on. On the other side of the folder, put down a large stripe of soft velcro for the word boxes to stay on when not in use. I usually put a stripe down the whole side of the folder for two reasons: 1) it's easier to quickly place the word boxes and mix them up on a large strip and 2) I always seemed to end up with a lot more soft than rough velcro. Then go ahead and cut out your word boxes and put a small square of rough velcro on each box. Your folder should look somewhat like this, where the gray areas represent velcro.

You'll probably want to have more than three words per folder; this graphic was for demonstration purposes. Another great thing about file folders is they are easy to send home for homework (as long as you trust your students to bring them back) and a great way for students to show off their knowledge to mom and dad. These are also great things to do with substitutes or peer buddies.

Here are some other, pre-made print resources that Mom2Mikey at has posted. She has made these on her own and they are great! They include picture word matching, word writing, tile activities, and multiple choice circle the word. You can find links to these activities here.
Alright friends out there in cyberspace, I think this post is long enough, so I guess we'll just have to look forward to more!

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